A  tooth restored with tooth-colored composite materials can last for several years. The plastic resin material used in restoring teeth includes tiny glass-like particles that act as filler are there to create strength and promote wear resistance. This material is highly esthetic and resembles the natural tooth enamel.  We also still offer amalgam (silver) fillings which offer a greater wear resistance and resistance to moisture that we cannot achieve with composite, it is appropriate and indicated in certain situations.

However, you should be aware of the following aspects:

  •  Avoid excessive chewing on hard foods using your newly-restored teeth. The resin is at risk of breaking due to extreme force or pressure.

  •  Anticipate your childs hunger by serving food before the procedure. Allow children to eat only after the anesthetic wears off. Numbness makes it possible for the child to underestimate the distance between his teeth and gums. There is a tendency of biting the insides of his or her cheeks, lips or tongue which could lead to soft tissue injury.

  •  After a tooth restoration, a slight sensitivity to hot or cold will ensue. A deeper cavity filling can make the teeth more sensitive.

  •  If you think that your bite is slightly unbalanced, call in for another appointment for adjustment.

  •  Gum tissues could become irritated while the procedure is done and may induce pain for a few more days.

There might be a strange feeling about the texture of the filled tooth due to the somewhat hindered movement or feel of the tongue which can last only after the patient has finally adjusted to the “new” tooth.



Temporary Crowns: These are not the typical formidable crowns and may break or chip off at times. If this happens, you may place them back on where they used to be using a denture adhesive and ask for an emergency appointment from your dentist.


  • Do not leave the temporary crown elsewhere because as the teeth are capable of movement, restoring it back in place may cause some fitting problems.

  • Never floss your temporary crown; brushing your teeth will be adequate during this time.

  • The color, size and shape of a temporary crown is not the same as the finally restored teeth.

  • Saliva or food may inhabit the insides of a temporary crown.

Permanent Crowns: This may take a patient several days to adjust with. Sensitivity to hot and cold may be prevalent for a number of weeks or months. Besides brushing and flossing, regular cleaning is required to maintain the restoration process. This prevents the possibility of developing tooth decay at the base of the teeth where the crown meets the gums.


Do not wait long before you consult your dentist regarding even the minutest of problems which involves your tooth restoration. The longer you wait, the harder it can be repaired. At times, it would involve another restoration process.



 Sore spots may appear after you begin to wear dentures whether it is partial or complete. You may use anti-bactericidal mouthwash to ease up the sores. Chewing using dentures may give you a different feel every time you eat. Adjusting to it may take a few days or weeks. If you feel you still have some difficulty after that, you may ask for an appointment with your dentist.


  • Use a denture brush and mild toothpaste

  • Denture soaks have to be done periodically

  • Allow your partials to soak in water at night while you are sleeping

  • Brushing the gums once a day toughens and cleans them

  • Clean parts of your partials that comes in contact with your natural teeth

  • Regular brushing prevents recurrence of decay

  • To prevent bone loss and outbreak of oral diseases, ask your dentist to re-fit you with a new set of dentures every time it has gone several years of usage



 Also known as splint therapy, a night guard is made for the purpose of aiding the lower jaw to function properly. This appliance is orthopedic in nature and aims to help your jaw muscles to relax and keep the teeth from contacting each other during the night which can cause undue stress and fatigue to the jaw muscles and joint complex. There are several reasons why the lower jaw malfunctions at times and the following are some examples:

  • Accidental trauma

  • Developmental defects

  • Strange oral habits

  • Natural malocclusion

  • Psychological stress

  • Clenching of teeth

Night guards must be worn at night to avoid teeth clenching or grinding. If it is not worn, be sure to place it inside a container that is filled with water to prevent it from warping. As food may accumulate underneath the splint, it is vital to brush and floss your teeth and splint regularly. You may use fluoride gels or rinse to clean the splint thoroughly. A dental soak used once a month may keep the splint fresh.



 An endodontic treatment can take more than a couple of appointments depending on a patient’s case. During these times, there are some symptoms that would show which could warrant an appointment with your dentist such as:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold

  • Sensitivity to pressure

  • Possible swelling

A temporary tooth filling may be helpful to seal the tooth temporarily. Take necessary precautions on the tooth while eating until restoration is final. The gum tissue might become irritated during the procedure and a patient may experience pain for days alongside with pain felt on the part where the injection took place.

During endodontic treatments, the, blood, nerve and pulp of the tooth are removed. This can cause the tooth to become  brittle and the tooth can become prone to fracture which may result to tooth extraction over time. A full crown is then recommended to prevent further damage,  protect the tooth and ensure greater longevity.


There will be some restrictions right after a tooth is extracted. Consider the following:

  • Bite a piece of moist gauze for an hour; a cotton ball may also help. You may change it as soon as it becomes too wet to avoid an icky feeling.

  • Avoid smoking at any cost as the heat will aggravate the pain

  • Remember to use a straw while drinking liquid

  • Refrain from eating hot or spicy meals within the next 24 hours

  • Strenuous exercises and lifting of heavy objects have to be avoided for a day

  • Never rinse your mouth within 24 hrs; you may use warm water with salt the next day doing it 2-3 times

  • Take analgesic if pain is felt; if medications cannot ease you up, call for an appointment

  • The sutures will be dissolved from a week to ten days or can be removed in a matter of a couple of weeks



Be aware that your newly installed veneers may also give you some problems if you are not careful. Here are a few facts you should know:

  • Avoid excessive chewing of hard foods as the porcelain material is susceptible to breakage under extreme circumstances

  •  Cleaning your teeth creates a long lasting veneer appearance

  •  Gums may recede or the underlying teeth may succumb to discoloration after years of usage; when this happens, it’s time to get a new veneer installed



Some difficulties may be experienced after scaling or root planing like discomfort and sensitivity. Take time to look at the brief discussion below.

Discomfort: Soreness may be experienced and can last for 24 hours. Over the counter analgesics such as ibuprofen  have the power to control the pain. Rinsing with warm salt water can also aid in healing time.

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to sweets, hot and cold drinks are prevalent after these types of procedures. So, as the healing begins, shrinkage and tightening of tissues would go alongside it which enables sensitivity.  Sensitivity control toothpaste is often recommended as well as regular fluoride treatments at your maintenance visits.


To remove plaque bacteria which generate acids inside the mouth generates sensitivity as well; thus, floss and brush regularly.

  • Use special toothpaste like Sensodyne or Crest Sensitivity

  • Use a fluoride rinse to help ease the feeling

  • Dentists can prescribe you with desensitizing agents to eliminate the sensation



 When you clean your gums, do it thoroughly but gently. It may take more time than the usual and normal cleaning but this one really helps. You may run your toothbrush under hot water to make it even softer and makes cleansing the gums more effective.

Once the tenderness of the tissue lessens, you may start using your favorite dental floss to eliminate the plaque encrusted between your teeth. There may be bleeding while you brush or floss your teeth but this will stop when healing is complete.


Please feel free to contact our office with any further questions.